In these section you will learn and get information about the Shortcodes used for Listing Based Buisness niche of MOTOCOM theme.
This shortcode is used to display the listing. It is an automated shortcode with no additional settings.
It is an optional shortcode. It is used for building separate page for single listing. You have to create a new page and add this shortcode on the page.
This shortcode is used to display the header of webdirectory listing page. It is an automated shortcode with no additional settings.
This shortcode is used display the featured business of the directory listing and can also design it according to the need.
Featured Business Settings
These are some additional shortcodes which comes with the Web Direstory Free plugin.
For further information Click Here
The Listing Based Buisness niche of MOTOCOM Theme includes several additional widgets.You can access all the widgets in the Widgets section of the wordPress admin.Webdirectory Free plugin provides various types of widgets to display listings, categories, locations items in different views: on the map, in slider, carousel, grid, table, menu. Also special search form and listings levels table widgets.
Some additional widgets of the directory listing are described below.
The Directory Admin Panel appears on the dashboard which includes some settings of the directory listings. It contains some separate tabs with own groups of settings.
Navigate to Dashboard > > Directory Admin > > Directory Settings
This section contains some general settings of the directory listing.
Ajax Loading
Title , Labels & Permalinks
It includes some basic settings of listings.
Listings Settings
Listings Logos & Images
Description & Excrept Settings
Excrept Views
Categories Settings
Location Settings
Sorting Settings
Search Settings
Map Types
MapBox Settings
General Map Settings
MapBox Settings
Map Controls Settings
Address Settings
MapMarker & InfoWindow Settings
Email Notifications
JavaScript & CSS
Re-Captcha Settings
Color Palattes
Main Colors
Links & Buttons
Search Block
Misc Settings
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