User Guide

This is MOTOCOM theme Job Portal Niche documentation, containing helpful information, features and detailed instructions about how to use the niche.

1. General Information & Installation

1.1 Introduction

MOTOCOM's niche Job Portal Website is crafted with a thorough understanding of the business to connect employers and candidates. It is multi-vendor supportable. Jobs Portal is also suitable for online job search engines. It is suitable for you to show professional job board websites that require high advanced features to powerful functions and useful services for users. Jobs Portal is very flexible to use and edit according to your requirement. It is a very easy and extensively customizable template. You will love our clean coding style. It is very easy to use and well described. We provide super help support to our customers.

1.2 How To Set Up Job Portal Website

This section contains the description of the plugin installation and breif description of the plugins used in Job Portal Website niche.

1.2.1 Plugin Installation

After getting succesfully authenticated and downloading the theme the next important step is to install the plugins of the required niche.

Follow the below mentioned steps for the plugin installation.

  • Navigate > > Dashboard > > Settings.
  • Navigate > > Plugin Screen.
  • On plugin screen install the plugin of the niche Job Portal Website niche.
1.2.2 Plugin Description

The MOTOCOM's niche Job Portal Website niche includes the WP Job Manager as a major plugin and its associated plugins which enable the user to add job-board functionality to their website.

  • WP Job Manager - Manage job listings from the WordPress admin panel, and allow users to post jobs directly to your site. Being shortcode based, it can work with any theme (given a bit of CSS styling) and is really simple to setup.
  • To know about the features and more information of the plugin Click here

  • WP Job Manager - Company Profiles - Output a list of all companies that have posted a job, with a link to a company profile.
  • WP Job Manager - Job Type Colors - Assign custom colors for each existing job type. You will get this setting from here:
  • Navigate to Dashboard > > Job Listings > > Settings > > Job Colors.

  • WP Job Manager - Resume Manager - Output a list of all companies that have posted a job, with a link to a company profile.
  • To know more about how the plugin works Click here

  • Regions for WP Job Manager - Create predefined regions/locations that job submissions can associate themselves with.
  • MOTOCOM Jobs Portal - It is addon plugin of WP Job Manager.

2. Job Listings

Job Listings panel comes with the WP Job Manager plugin which have so many settings that are easy to customize and self-explanatory.

Navigate to Dashboard >> Job Listings

2.1 All Jobs

In this setting, you can see all your jobs and you can also create new new jobs .

2.2 Add New

This setting is used to create new jobs for your website.

2.2.1 Add Job
  • Position - Enter the title of the job.
  • Description - Add the description of the job.
2.2.2 Job Data
  • Posted by - It shows who can post the job. Default is admin you can also change it.
  • Application email/URL - Enter the email ID URL here.
  • Company Website - Enter the company website here.
  • Company Twitter - Enter the company Twitter ID here.
  • Company Description - Enter the company description here.
  • Job Banner Image - You can upload the job banner image here or you can also view the image.
  • Company Banner Image - You can upload the company banner image here or you can also view the image.
  • Featured Listing - To set the job as a featured listing select the checkbox. Featured listings will be sticky during searches, and can be styled differently.
  • Location - Enter the job location here.
  • Company Name - Enter the company name here.
  • Company Tagline - Enter the company tagline here.
  • Salary ($) - Enter the salary amount here. The amount will be in dollars ($).
  • Company Video - Enter the company's video URL here.
  • Company Facebook - Enter the company's Facebook account URL here.
  • Position Filled - If the position of the job is filled then select the checkbox. Filled listings will no longer accept applications.
  • Listing Expiry Date - Select the date when jobs get expired.
2.2.3 Job Regions, Job Types, Company Logo & Post Attributes

Job Regions

  • All Job Regions - It shows a list of all job regions. You can select any region according to the need.
  • Most Used - It shows a list of job regions which are mostly used. You can select any region according to the need.
  • You can also add new region by clicking on the Add New Job Region.

Post Attributes

  • Template - Select the type of template according to the need.

Job Types

  • Job Types - Select any job type as needed.

Company Logo

  • Set Company Logo - Set the company logo from here.
2.2.4 Custom Fields

Add New Custom Field

  • Name - Select the name of the custom field from the given option.
  • Value - Add the custom field value from here.
  • Enter New - You can enter new custom field here.

2.3 Job Regions

Using this setting user can add the regions of the job.

Add New Job Region

  • Name - Enter the name of the region. The name is how it appears on your site.
  • Slug - The “slug” is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lowercase and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.
  • Parent Job Region - Select the parent job region from here. It will assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term USA, for example, would be the parent of New York and Chicago.
  • Description - Enter the description of the job region. It is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.
  • Add New Job Region - Hit the button to create a new job region.

2.4 Job Types

With this setting you can add new the job types.

Add New Job type

  • Name - Please enter the name of the job type. The name is how it appears on your site.
  • Slug - The “slug” is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lowercase and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.
  • Parent Job Type - Select the parent job type from here. It will assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band.
  • Description - Enter the description of the job type.It is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.
  • Image - You can upload the image from here and also you can remove the image.
  • Employment Type - Select an employment type according to the need.
  • Add New Job - Hit the button to add new job.

2.5 Settings

The settings tab contains sub-tabs through which you can customize the various settings of the job listing.

2.5.1 General

General Settings

  • Date Format - Select the date format that the user want to be displayed for the jobs on the front - end.
  • Google Maps API Key - Enter the Google Maps API key.
  • Delete Data On Uninstall - Delete WP Job Manager data when the plugin is deleted. Once removed, this data cannot be restored.
  • Enable Usage Tracking - Help us make WP Job Manager better by allowing us to collect usage tracking data. No sensitive information is collected.
2.5.2 Job Listings

Job Listings Settings

  • Listings Per Page - Enter the number of job listings to display per page.
  • Filled Positions - To hide filled positions select the checkbox.
  • Hide Expired Listings - To hide expired listings in job archives/search select the checkbox.
  • Hide Expired Listings Content - To hide content in expired single job listings select the checkbox.
  • Categories - This lets users select from a list of categories when submitting a job.
  • Multi-select Categories - The category selection box will default to allowing multiple selections. Without this, visitors will only be able to select a single category when filtering jobs.
  • Category Filter Type - Select the appropriate category filter.
  • Types - This lets users select from a list of types when submitting a job.
  • Multi-select Listing Types - Select the checkbox to allow multiple types for listings.
  • Filter Location Display - To display job region select the checkbox.
  • Search by Region - To enable the job to be searched by region select the checkbox. Use a dropdown of defined regions instead of a text input. Disables radius search.
2.5.3 Job Submission

Job Submission Settings

  • Account Required - Require an account to submit listings.
  • Account Creation - Enable account creation during submission.
  • Account Username - To generate usernames from email addresses select the checkbox.
  • Account Password - Sends an email to the user with their username and a link to set their password.
  • Account Role - User can select the account role.
  • Moderate New Listings - Require admin approval of all new listing submissions.
  • Allow Pending Edits - To allow editing of pending listings select the checkbox.
  • Allow Published Edits - Choose whether published job listings can be edited and if edits require admin approval. When moderation is required, the original job listings will be unpublished while edits await admin approval.
  • Listing Duration - Listings will display for the set number of days.
  • Application Method - Choose the application method job listers will need to provide.
2.5.4 ReCaptcha

Recaptcha Settings

  • Field Label - The label used for the reCAPTCHA field on forms.
  • Site Key - Enter the site key.
  • Secret Key - Enter the secret key.
  • Job Submission Form - To display a reCAPTCHA field on job submission form select the checkbox.
2.5.5 Pages

Pages Settings

  • Submit Job Form Page - Select the page where you have added the submit job form shortcode.
  • Job Dashboard Page - Select the page where you have added the job dashboard shortcode.
  • Job Listings Page - Select the page where you have added the jobs shortcode.
2.5.6 Email Notifications

Email Notifications Settings

In this setting, user can select the email notifications type from the various options given according to the requirement.

2.5.7 Job Colors

Job Colors Settings

  • What - Should these colors be applied to the text color, or background color?
  • Freelance - Select the Hex value for the color of this job type.
  • Full Time - Select the Hex value for the color of this job type.
  • Internship - Select the Hex value for the color of this job type.
  • Part Time - Select the Hex value for the color of this job type.
  • Temporary - Select the Hex value for the color of this job type.

3. Job Portal Shortcodes

In these section you will learn and get information about the Shortcodes used for Job Portal Website niche of MOTOCOM theme.

3.1 Job Portal Shortcode

These are the basic shortcodes which comes with the theme

3.1.1 Recent Jobs

This shortcode is used to display the most recent jobs without filter and pagination.

Recent Jobs Settings

  • Number Of Post - Enter the number of posts (jobs) which you want to display. Insert integer values only.
3.1.2 Company Directory

It is an optional shortcode. It outputs a list of all companies that have submitted the jobs with links to their links to their listings and profile. It is an automated shortcode with no additional settings.

3.1.3 Job Search Form

This shortcode is used to display a search form provides a user a way to search for the job in an easy manner.

Job Search Form Settings

  • Upload Banner Image - Upload the banner image here.
  • Banners Heading - Enter the banners heading here.
  • Subtitle - Enter the subtitle text here.
  • Jobs Page - Select the page where users will redirect after searching the jobs. Before selecting the page please make sure you have added "Jobs" shortcode on that page.
3.1.4 Jobs

This shortcode outputs a list of your jobs as well as filters for searching.

Jobs Settings

  • Jobs Per Page - This controls how many jobs get listed per page. Defaults to the ‘per page’ option in settings.
  • Show Filter - If enabled, the filter form will show.
  • Show Pagination - Enable this setting to show numbered pagination instead of the ‘load more jobs’ link.
  • Show Categories - If enabled, the filters will also show a dropdown letting the user choose a job category to filter by.
3.1.5 Submit Resume Form

This shortcode outputs the frontend resume submission form.There are no other arguments needed for this shortcode – just add it to a page.

3.1.6 Candidate Dashboard

This shortcode outputs the candidate dashboard used by logged in users only.There are no other arguments needed for this shortcode – just add it to a page.

3.1.7 Resumes

This shortcode is used to display a search form provides a user a way to search for the job in an easy manner.

Resume Settings

  • Per Page - Enter the number of resumes that you want to display per page.
  • Order - Select the order that you want to display the resumes ( Ascending, Descending ).
  • Orderby - Select the orderby to arrange the display order of resumes ( ID, Title, Date, Random, Random Featured ) .
  • Show Filter - To enable filter select the checkbox.
  • Show Categories - To enable categories select the checkbox.
3.1.8 Submit Job Form

This shortcode outputs the frontend submit job form. There are no other arguments needed for this shortcode – just add it to a page.

3.1.9 Job Dashboard

This shortcode outputs the job dashboard used by logged in users. There is no addtional setting for this shortcode.

3.1.10 Job Summary

This shortcode outputs a single job’s summary by ID.

Job Summary Settings

  • Select Job - Select the job which you want to display.

4. Widgets

The Job Portal Website niche of MOTOCOM Theme includes several additional widgets.You can access all the widgets in the Widgets section of the wordPress admin.

Some additional widgets of the job portal are described below.

  • Featured Jobs - Display a list of featured listings on your site.
  • Featured Resumes - Display a list of featured listings on your site.
  • Recent Jobs - Display a list of recent listings on your site, optionally matching a keyword and location.
  • Recent Resumes - Display a list of recent listings on your site, optionally matching a keyword and location.

5. Resume

Resume panel comes with the WP Job Manager- Resume Manager plugin which have so many settings that are easy to customize and self-explanatory.

Navigate to Dashboard >> Resume

5.1 All Resumes

In this setting, you can see all your resumes and you can also create new resume .

5.2 Add New

This setting is used to create new resumes for your website.

5.2.1 Add Resume
  • Candidate Name - Add the name of the candidate here.
  • Description - Add the description of the candidate.
5.2.2 Candidate Data
  • Professional Title - Enter the Professional Title here.
  • Candidate Location - Enter the location of the candidate here.
  • Video - Enter the URL of the candidate video.
  • Feature this Resume - To set the resume as a featured listing select the checkbox. Featured listings will be sticky during searches, and can be styled differently.
  • About Yourself - Enter about the candidates here.
  • Skills Content - Enter the skills of the candidates here.
  • Contact Email - Enter the official Email ID of the candidate.
  • Photo - Upload the candidate photo here.
  • Posted by - It shows who can post the candidate profile. Default is admin you can also change it.
  • Expires - Select the date when the candidate profile expires.
  • Resume Banner Image - Upload the resume banner image here.
5.2.3 Resume Regions, Post Attributes & URL (s)

Resume Regions

  • All Resume Regions - It shows a list of all resume regions. You can select any region according to the need.
  • Most Used - It shows a list of resume regions which are mostly used. You can select any region according to the need.
  • You can also add new region by clicking on the Add New Resume Region.

Post Attributes

  • Template - Select the type of template according to the need.

URL(s) - Optionally provide links to any of your websites or social network profiles.

  • Name - Enter name of your site.
  • URL - Enter URL link here.
5.2.4 Education & Experience


To enter all the details hit the button Add Education.

  • School name - Enter the name of the school.
  • Qualification(s) - Enter the qualification.
  • Start/end date - Enter start/end date here.
  • Notes - Enter additional notes here.


To enter all the details hit the button Add Experience.

  • Employer - Enter the name of the employer.
  • Job Title - Enter the job title here.
  • Start/end date - Enter start/end date here.
  • Notes - Enter additional notes here.
5.2.5 Custom Fields

Add New Custom Field

  • Name - Select the name of the custom field from the given option.
  • Value - Add the custom field value from here.
  • Enter New - You can enter new custom field here.

5.3 Resume Regions

Using this setting user can add the regions of the resume.

Add New Resume Region

  • Name - Enter the name of the region. The name is how it appears on your site.
  • Slug - The “slug” is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lowercase and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.
  • Parent Resume Region - Select the parent job region from here. It will assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term USA, for example, would be the parent of New York and Chicago.
  • Description - Enter the description of the job region. It is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.
  • Add New Resume Region - Hit the button to create a new resume region.

5.4 Settings

The settings tab contains sub-tabs through which you can customize the various settings of the resume.

5.4.1 Resume Listings

Resume Listings Settings

  • Resumes Per Page - Enter the number of resumes listings to display per page.
  • Categories - To enable resume categories select the checkbox.
  • Skills - To enable resume skills select the checkbox and you will the options accordingly.
  • Resume Upload - To enable resume upload select the checkbox.
  • Filter Location Display - To display region select the checkbox.
5.4.2 Resume Submission

Resume Submission Settings

  • Account Required - Require an account to submit listings.
  • Account Creation - Enable account creation during submission.
  • Account Username - To generate usernames from email addresses select the checkbox.
  • Account Password - Sends an email to the user with their username and a link to set their password.
  • Account Role - User can select the account role.
  • Approval Required - If enabled, new submissions will be inactive, pending admin approval.
  • Email New Submissions - If enabled, all resume details for new submissions will be emailed to admin email ID.
  • Notify Email Address(es) - Instead of the admin, email notifications to these folks instead. Comma separate addresses.
  • Listing Duration - Enter the number of the days for how many days listings are shown to be live before expiring.
  • Auto-hide Resumes - How many days un-modified resumes should be published before being hidden.
  • Listing Limit - How many listings are users allowed to post.
  • LinkedIn Import - To enable Allow import of resume data from LinkedIn select the checkbox. .
5.4.3 Apply With Resume

Apply With Resume Settings

  • Email Based Applications - Allow candidates to apply to jobs which use the email application method using their online resume, if selected.
  • Force Resume Creation - Force candidates to create an online resume before applying to a job, if selected.
  • Force Apply with Resume - Force candidates to apply through Resume Manager, if selected.
5.4.4 Pages

Pages Settings

  • Submit Resume Page - Select the page where you have added the submit resume form shortcode.
  • Candidate Dashboard Pag - Select the page where you have added the candidate dashboard shortcode.
  • Resume Listings Page - Select the page where you have added the resumes shortcode.
5.4.5 Resume Visibility

Resume Visibility

  • View Resume name Capability - Enter the capability required in order to view resumes names. Supports a comma separated list of roles/capabilities..
  • Browse Resume Capability - Enter the capability required in order to browse resumes. Supports a comma separated list of roles/capabilities.
  • View Resume Capability - Enter the capability required in order to view a single resume. Supports a comma separated list of roles/capabilities.
  • Contact Details Capability - Enter the capability required in order to view contact details on a resume. Supports a comma separated list of roles/capabilities.
  • Search Engine Visibility - Discourage search engines from indexing resume listings, if selected.