User Guide

This is MOTOCOM theme E-Commerce Niche documentation, containing helpful information, features and detailed instructions about how to use the niche.

1. General Information & Installation

1.1 Introduction

Everything you need to sell online like a Pro!

MOTOCOM'S niche E-Commerce is the largest online B2B marketplace, connecting buyers and suppliers, focusing on a wide range of items. It enables people and companies to sell their products directly to the website. Users can access a variety of cosmetic products, clothing and accessories, grocery, furniture, medical equipment, and diverse other items. One of the most striking features is that you can also build a MultiVendor Store as our theme supports Multivendor & Affiliation System. With this, you will be able to increase the product range and can improve the logistics, costs, and operations.

Under this niche we have included two plugins WooCommerce for basic E-commerce website and WooCommerce Multivendor MarketPlace and YITH WooCommerce Affiliates for building multivendor websites.

Since these are external plugins you may required some additional information. Here are some useful links which contains a deatiled description of the plugins.

1.2 How To Set Up E-Commerce Website

Under E-commerce Website niche we have two options for creating the website Single Vendor Shop and Multi Vendor Website .

For both type user have to install different plugins.

For Single Vendor Website

For Multi Vendor Website

2. Theme Options

The E-Commerce related settings have been included in the Theme Options. A detailed description of the settings is given below.

Navigate to Dashboard >> Theme Options

2.1 WooCommerce

WooCommerce option will be applicable for E-Commerce websites.

General Settings

  • Cart Icon - To enable the cart icon on the header turn on the button.
  • Cart Image - Users can upload the cart image here according to the need. This is an optional field. You can use it if you want to override the default icon.
  • Wishlist Icon - Turn "On " the button to enable the wishlist icon on the header. This setting will work only if you have installed the YITH WooCommerce Wishlist plugin.
  • Wishlist Image - You can upload the wishlist image with this setting.
  • Shop Sidebar Position - With this setting, the user can select the sidebar position for the pages like shop, product search, category.
  • Product Sidebar Position - Using this setting user can select the sidebar position for product single page.
  • Product Style - Users can select any style to display the product. We have attached the screenshots of the product style user can choose any style according to the need.
  • Background Color - Users can add or change the background color and can also select the transparent option.
  • Sale Price Color - Users can select any color for the sale price of the product and can also select the transparent option.
  • Regular Price Color - Users can select any color for the regular price of the product and can also select the transparent option.

Login Screen Settings

  • Login Screen Image - Users can upload an image for the login screen(My Account Page) using this setting.

3. WooCommerce Shortcodes

In these section you will learn and get information about the WooCommerce Shortcodes.

3.1 WooCommerce Shortcodes

These shortcodes let users design the products and can display them according to the need.

3.1.1 Products

With this shortcode, user can display their products in any section of the website and can also enable a slider.

General Setting

  • Number - The user has to enter the number of products to display on the website. Enter a numeric value here.
  • Column - Select the number of columns for the products.
  • Category - User can select the category of the products which they want to display.
  • Product Type - Users can choose the product type from the given option.(Simple, Featured, Sale, Top Rated, Best Selling ).
  • Order By - You can set the order by (ID, Date, Title, Random) of the products. This setting will not work with the Top Rated and Best Selling product type.
  • Sort Order - You can sort the products either in Ascending or Descending order.

Slider Settings

  • Slider - To enable the slider option, select the checkbox.
  • Navigation - Using this option user can select the navigation type from the given five options (None, Arrows, Bullets, Fraction and Progress Bar) and the user will get the options accordingly in the color settings.
  • Autoplay - To enable the Autoplay option, select the checkbox.
  • Autoplay Speed - Users can adjust the speed of the autoplay. Speed will be in milliseconds like 1000 = 1s.
  • Loop - To enable the loop in the slider, select the checkbox.
3.1.2 Product With Filter

With this shortcode user can display products with filter.

General Setting

  • Number - The user has to enter the number of products to display on the website. Enter a numeric value here.
  • Column - Select the number of columns for the products.
  • Category - User can select the category of the products which they want to display.
  • Filter Style - User can select the filter style by selecting any one option.( Style1 , Style2 ).
  • Filter Option - User can choose any filter option from the given option.( Featured, Sale, Top Rated, Best Selling ).
  • Order By - You can set the order by (ID, Date, Title, Random) of the products. This setting will not work with the Top Rated and Best Selling product type.
  • Sort Order - You can sort the products either in Ascending or Descending order.

Filter Tab Settings

  • Background Color - Users can select the background color for the filter tab using this setting.
  • Text Color - Users can set the text color of the filter tab from this option.
  • Border Color - Users can choose the color for the border of the filter tab from this setting.
  • Background Color On Hover - Users can choose any color as a background color on hover.
  • Text Color - Users can select any color for the text of the filter tab on hover.
  • Border Color On Hover - With this setting user can select any color for the border of filter tab on hover.
3.1.3 Products With Category Filter

As the name suggests, this shortcode can filter the products on the basis of the category.

Products With Category Filter Setting

  • Select Categories - User can select the category of the products which they want to display.
  • Number - The user has to enter the number of products to display on the website. Enter a numeric value here.
  • Column - Select the number of columns for the products.
  • Order By - You can set the order by (ID, Date, Title, Random) of the products. This setting will not work with the Top Rated and Best Selling product type.
  • Sort Order - You can sort the products either in Ascending or Descending order.
3.1.4 Default Shortcodes

These shortcodes are default shortcodes of the WooCommerce Plugin.

4. Widgets

The E-Commerce niche of MOTOCOM Theme includes several widgets which allow you to design your E-Commerce website easily.

Below mention are some WooCommerce widgets.

  • Active Product Filters - Display a list of active filters.
  • Cart - Display the customer shopping cart.
  • Filter Products by Attribute - Display a list of attributes to filter products in your store.
  • Filter Products by Price - Display a slider to filter products in your store by price.
  • Filter Products by Rating - Display a list of star ratings to filter products in your store.
  • Product Categories - A list or dropdown of product categories.
  • Products - A list of your store’s products.
  • Products by Rating - A list of your store’s top-rated products.
  • Product Search - A search form for your store.
  • Product Tag Cloud - A cloud of your most used product tags.
  • Recent Product Reviews - Display a list of recent reviews from your store.
  • Recent Viewed Products - Display a list of a customer’s recently viewed products.